This week, May 5, join AIFD for a fun evening of folk dancing with DJ Franklin Houston. Franklin will be assisted by Donna Baker.
Live Music!!! This week we will also be treated to the lively and danceable music of Slavadillo!!! |
Teaching: Come early for some dances that will warm you up and get your feet jumping! Franklin will begin the evening by leading a number of recently-taught dances and some personal favorites (that range from easy to “not-so-easy.”) 😉 Then get ready for some familiar favorites performed by Slavadillo! |
Due to the Hancock Recreation Center closing on Friday, May 26, AIFD will dance again at GoDance, the north location, the north location in Northcross Mall.
Front bathrooms closedAs you noticed last week, Hancock Rec Center is undergoing some repairs and renovations. This week, the renovations in the hallway continue, and the bathroom situation has changed slightly due to a new plumbing problem. A single unisex bathroom is available down the hall from our main ballroom. The downstairs men's restroom is also still available. Unisex porta-pottys are also available outside by the basketball court. |
AIFD Board Elections 2023-24:
- Elections will be held at our membership meeting at dancing on May 12, 2023 - NEXT WEEK.
- We have a list of nominations - see below!
- Other nominations can also be made until election night. We will announce these in the newsletter, on election night, or both.
Current nominations:
- President: Madeline Brock
- Vice president: Jeff Kessel
- Secretary: Peggy Wingate
- Treasurer: Marcia Toprac
- Teaching director: Rebecca Hample
- Program director: Misi Tsurikov
If you would like to run for the board, please contact Bill Brock at president@aifd.cc.
Current board.
Board positions and responsibilities.
If you would like to be removed from our newsletter distribution, please notify us at newsletter_editor@aifd.cc or click here.