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AIFD Newsletter
December 13, 2024
Friday, 7-9:45

Hancock Rec Center
811 E. 41st Street
All are welcome!!!

$5 at the door - 18 and older.
17 and younger free.
Children must be supervised.
New dancers free for their first 4 visits to AIFD.

This Friday, December 13, 7-9:45, at AIFD:

This week's program:
Madeline BrockKathleen McDonaghOur DJ this week will be Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Kathleen McDonagh.
New, Do, Review
Misi TsurikovRebecca HampleThis week in NDR Misi Tsurikov will teach two dances from camp, Divcibarsko Kolo from Serbia, that was taught by Joan Bennett; and Marbridge Mixer, which is a new dance choreographed right here in Austin and taught to us by Nick and Melissa Enge. Also, Rebecca Hample will review the two dances she taught last week: Kouresh from Kyrgyzstan, and Le'or Chi Yu Chech from Israel.
HomegrownThis week we'll be treated to the live music of Homegrown!!!
Csardas at Trail of Lights!!!
CsardasCsardas Hungarian Dancers will perform at the Trail of Lights at Zilker on Sunday, December 15th, 7:30, on the Zilker stage.

Upcoming Fridays at AIFD:
Dec 27: Holiday Party & Dec Birthdays

Link of the week:
Divcibarsko Kolo as taught by Bora Gajicki at Stockton Folk Dance Camp in 1976.

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Something to sayHave something you'd like to see in the AIFD newsletter? Do you have an upcoming event you'd like to announce, a poem you'd like to share, a dance experience you think other dancers would enjoy? Feel free to submit it to the AIFD newsletter and we'll make it fit.