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AIFD Newsletter
September 22, 2023
Hancock Rec Center

811 E. 41st Street.
All are welcome!!!
$5 (18+)
17 and younger free.
Children must be supervised.
New dancers free for their first 4 visits to AIFD.

Dee McCandlessMisi Tsurikov This Friday!!! Enjoy a fun evening of folk dancing DJ'd by Dee McCandless. Dee will be assisted by Misi Tsurikov.

Rebecca HampleTeaching: Rebecca Hample will lead this week's session of New, Do and Review.

mask for COVIDAs many are aware, COVID is on the rise again. The AIFD Board encourages you to exercise extra caution by watching for symptoms, testing if you feel you may have been exposed even if you don't have symptoms, and wearing a mask. We will have masks available at dancing if you need one. If you are feeling sick, please stay home!
Texas Camp 2023Registration is now open
for TIFD's 76th
Texas Camp

November 23-26, 2023.
Complete details at tifd.org.

Link of the week:
Welttanz-Gala Baden Baden 2017 - Boogie Woogie Show.

email icon. To be added to the newsletter distribution, please email newsletter_editor@aifd.cc or click here.

AIFD WebpageNeed an easy to use reference to all things AIFD? Check out the AIFD webpage at aifd.cc . Here you'll find everything from about AIFD to the Board of Directors to the recently added Teaching Library.

Misi Tsurikov and Bill Ogilvie - aifd webmasters.
If you would like to be removed from our newsletter distribution, please notify us at newsletter_editor@aifd.cc or click here.