John Bloom of HIFD has posted some good information on how to help better your virtual dance experience.
Also, the dance leaders would like to provide you with some ideas on how to have an easier time following us during our virtual dance sessions. For dances that move around a lot, try taking smaller steps and doing quick little pivots in place to face your screen again. Also, putting up a mirror opposite your monitor screen can assist you in viewing the dance leader while your back is to the screen.
Link of the week: Graovsko Horo.
From Franklin Houston: "I found this link of what looks and sounds like real Bulgarians doing Graovsko Horo to slower music, which turns into Kyustendilska Rachenitsa for the faster music. The dances (both from the Shope region) have very similar patterns, as we learned from Steve Kotansky at Texas Camp 1994. The caption's translation (which I'm sure you can figure out without Google Translate😉) is "Graovo dance performed with great feeling in Benidorm, Spain". If I can clean up the YouTube recording, I'm going to try to use it for a Friday night Zoom!" |