* This link is being included at the request of some AIFD members. As a 501(c)(3) organization, AIFD is prohibited from endorsing political causes.
NEXT WEEK: Halloween and Day of the Dead Celebrations
AIFD has been a great place to celebrate and dance Halloween style. Next Friday we will continue with those traditions, even as we dance socially distanced/Zoomed. We’ll take a break early in the evening to share costumes and laugh, especially so the young and acting young ones can participate!
"Día de los Muertos" is celebrated not as a day of sadness but as a time to pray for and remember those who have died and help support them on their spiritual journey. Many places celebrate over a week or more. We’ve lost three members of our community, Jasmine Guha-Castle, John Ramage and Frances Danis. In next week’s newsletter, we’ll have a write up about each of them. If you’d like to add a comment about any of them, send it to me by Sunday and I’ll see that it is in next week’s newsletter.
We’ll also celebrate Jasmine, John and Frances with a couple of dances dedicated to them.
After the pandemic is over and we can hug, we’ll have a planned evening commemorating the good times we have had with those who are no longer with us, with their family’s permission and participation.
Thanks to Rosielee, Franklin and Lisa for guidance and planning on next week.
Craig Roberts - president@aifd.cc