
AIFD Newsletter
October 13, 2012
This week at dancing

Holly Programming: Come enjoy a fun evening of dancing DJ'd by the talented Holly Plotner.

Teaching: Planning to attend the upcoming Kabile concert?** Then you won't want to miss dancing this week as Franklin Houston leads walk-throughs of some essential Bulgarian dances perfect for a Franklinnight of live music. Possibilities include a host of horos (e.g., Narodno Horo, Pravo Horo, Pajdusko Horo, Cetvorno Horo, Daichovo Horo).

For our intermediate teaching, please join us as Franklin reintroduces Racenica Na Sryata (also known as "Family Racenica"). First presented in Texas at the 1962 Texas Folk Dance Camp, this Bulgarian dance is performed during wedding festivities when the families of the bride and groom meet. “Na sryata” means “to meet,” and this describes the character of the dance – the families meet, part and meet again. So be sure to meet us this Saturday at 7:30 for a great evening of dancing!

**Hint: The answer is "yes"!

7:30-10:45 pm,
$5 at the door 17 years or older (free if 16 or under)
Hancock Rec Center (HRC)

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Be the Tipping Point

Learn to lead a dance.

Read more on how to "Be the Tipping Point"

Upcoming events

OctoberfestSaturday, October 27, 5pm: AIFD is looking for one more couple to join the 5 couples who will be performing on Saturday afternoon, October 27th, at an Oktoberfest dinner/dance at Saengerrunde Hall (next to Scholz Garden). Please contact Michel Breger if you are interested.

Halloween PartySaturday, October 27 "International Festival of Ghouls!" Join AIFD for an evening of goulish dancing as we celebrate Halloween. More details soon.

KabileSaturday, November 3rd, Kabilé. Join AIFD as we host Kabilé for a great evening of Bulgarian music and dancing. This is a very special event with an internationally reknown group. Click here for more information. $10 at the door.

TIFD - Thanksgiving Dance Camp Texas CampTexas camp is a great way to spend your Thanksgiving weekend. The food is terrific, dancing fun, and facilities very comfortable. This year Yulian Yordanov will be teaching dances from Bulgaria. Registration applications must be postmarked by October 31st, so don't dilly dally if you are considering attending. For more information, see TIFD's camp registration page.

(Complete list of upcoming events)
Other dance links
See our complete list
Pictures from AIFD's 50th Anniversary Celebration
"I can't dance" - tips to get you dancing
Texas International Folk Dancers
Village International Dancing1st & 3rd Friday, HRC
Austin Scandinavian Dancing Each Wed and 2nd Fri, HRC
5th Friday Multicultural Dance Next event, March 29, 2013
Csardas Hungarian Dancers
Contradance and English Country Dancing (TAADA)
Austin Friends of Traditional Music

This week's "other dance" feature:
Austin Barn Dancers <
The Austin Barn Dancers have been hosting contra dances at Hancock Recreation Center for over 30 years. They meet every Wednesday from 7:30 until 9:45. Check out their website for more details.

If you play folk dance music and are not on our list of Musicians/Musical groups, please send your information to
Community outreach

One thing AIFD is not short of is requests to teach and perform in the community. Elementary schools, nursing homes, and other organziations are always asking for dancers. Teaching and performing in the community is a great Dancing circle way to share your enjoyment of dancing while inspiring others. You don't need prior experience or costumes. All you really need is energy and spirit. If you would like to be on the contact list for upcoming teaching/performance opportunities, or have any questions, please let us know. We will let you know what requests AIFD has received and whether they are events you are interested in and fit your schedule.

Link of the week: The Bulgarian band Kabile
at Mount Holyoke College in 2008
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