Hancock ConservancyThe city of Austin is considering changes to Hancock Golf Course, including possible privatization. Details here*. * This link is to a political advocacy group and is included at the request of several AIFD members. While AIFD cares deeply about the future of Hancock, its bylaws and status as a 501(c)(3) organization prohibited it from endorsing political causes.
Future of Hancock Golf Course
The City of Austin agreed to pursue a turnkey redevelopment & concession contract for Hancock Golf Course - which will allow the city to enter into a public-private partnership to improve the site into a modern golf learning center as part of a concession agreement with the City.
Here is the link to the planning document, which includes survey results from a Hancock Neighborhood Association meeting from February, 2020.
PARD had scheduled two meetings to solicit puplic input, on Oct 26 and 29. However, both have been postponed to future dates.
When these meetings are scheduled, AIFD will post information in the newsletter, at aifd.cc, and one the AIFD FB page and the AIFD FB Group page.
We consider these meetings important because changes to how the golf course is administered may effect the availability and use of Hancock Rec Center.
We plan to resume dancing at Hancock Rec Center on Fridays, 7pm to closing, when Austin PARD allows gatherings that will fit our population of attendees in number and safety precautions. Austin is currently in Stage 3: avoid gatherings of greater than 10 people.
If you have questions please email the AIFD Board at board@aifd.cc.
Thank you and sometime we will dance again! Craig Roberts, president@aifd.cc.
(Psst .. want to play a round of golf or frisbee golf? Contact CraigR@computer-u.com)