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AIFD Newsletter
March 22, 2024
No dancing HRC.
Hope to see you in San Antonio!!!

This Friday, March 22 - AIFD will not meet at Hancock. Instead we hope to see you at SAFDF 2024.

San Antonio Folk Dance FestivalMarch 22-24: San Antonio Folklife and Dance Festival! This year's teachers: Andy Taylor-Blenis (international), Miroslav "Bata" Marcetic (Serbian), Zeljko Jergan (Croatian). Live music from Shirley Johnson and Slavadillo.
Registration and complete details at safdf.org.

Link of the week:
Better When Dancing with SAFDF.org - Compilation.
The Csárdás Hungarian Dancers are hosting a multi-cultural evening of dance on Monday, April 1, from 7-9:30 PM in the back meeting room at Hancock Recreation Center. The program will feature partner and non-partner dances done by Hungarian-speaking communities in Hungary, Multi-cultiTransylvania, and Moldavia, as well as partner dances from Norway, Sweden, and the United States. This event is free and open to the public. Dress is casual; dancers are encouraged to wear smooth-soled shoes that facilitate easy turning with a partner. Attendees are invited to bring snacks and non-alcoholic beverages to share.

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