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AIFD Newsletter
March 10, 2023

Friday, 7-9:45
Hancock Rec Center
811 E. 41st Street
$5 (18+)

Holly PlotnerDee McCandlessHolly Plotner will DJ this Friday. She will be assisted by Dee McCandless.

Rebecca HampleKathleen McDonagh Teaching: Join us for lots of clapping fun as Rebecca Hample teaches us Zigeunerpolka, a German mixer! Later in the evening, don't miss Kathleen McDonagh's review of Ratevka and Indijski Cocek, the enjoyable Macedonian dances she taught us last week.

Link of the week:

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San Antonio Folklife and Dance Festival
March 24-26: San Antonio Folklife and Dance Festival!
Registration* is open!!!

(* $150 on or before March 10; $200 after March 10.)
This year's teachers: Ventzi Sotirov (Bulgarian), Fusae Carroll (Macedonian), Andy Taylor-Blenis (international), Seneca Patino (Samba).

In support of the festival, AIFD will not meet at Hancock Rec Center on Friday, March 24.

Masking Update
Ever since AIFD returned to in-person dancing, the board has been strongly encouraging you to wear a mask to protect everyone from COVID. Because of the lower number of COVID cases in recent months, the AIFD board is no longer suggesting that everyone wear a mask.

You are welcome to continue wearing a mask if you feel like you want to. Please be kind and do not judge any of our dance friends for their masking choices!

- AIFD Board
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