AIFD Newsletter
June 8, 2018
This Friday at dancing:
Madeline DJs, Denise assists. June Birthdays and Anniversaries. |
Join us for a lively evening of dancing with DJ Madeline Brock. Madeline will be assisted by Denise Fynmore. This week we'll celebrate our dancers who have a birthday or anniversary in June with song, dance, and cake. |
Teaching: Start the evening right as Bruce Bostwick teaches one of AIFD's favorites Sborinka. Originally learned from Jaap Leegwater, Bruce has some fun ideas on how to teach this dance that is way that makes it accessible to everyone.
Contra: Our Contra this week will be done at 8:15 (just before announcements) and will be called by Nana Lopez. June birthdays will be celebrated right after announcements. |
Friday, June 8, 7-9:45 pm. Admission fee is $5 for those 18 and older. There is no fee for those under 18,
but they must be supervised by a designated person 18 or older.
Hancock Rec Center (HRC)
AIFD is organized exclusively for educational purposes, including the promotion and teaching of traditional folk dance, music and crafts native to a variety of countries.
Have something you'd like to see in the AIFD newsletter? Do you have an upcoming event you'd like to announce, a poem you'd like to share, a dance experience you think other dancers would enjoy? Feel free to submit it to the AIFD newsletter and we'll see if we can fit it in.
July 6: Red, White, and Blue 6th of July Party!!!
Come and join us for a Red, White, and Blue party being held on the 6th of July. Bringing red, white and blue snacks as well as dressing in red, white and blue is, of course, optional, but fun!!
Dances taught last week: With video: Dodi Li.
No video: Kilimarsko Pajdushko, Yambolsko Pajdushko. |
Tips for new, and not so new, dancers from your president.
My goal for all dancers on Friday nights is for them to spend as much time as possible doing the dances they enjoy. I want to give you a few tips here that may help you do that.
(1) Come at 7:00 for the teaching whenever possible.
(2) When you learn a dance you like, also learn the name of the dance. Write it down if necessary.
(3) Over the following weeks, request that dance by writing it on the request list on the music table.
(4) If you see a dance being done that you like, but don't know it, ask someone or find the name on the board, then you can request that it be taught! There are now two forms at the music table:. One to request dances to be done that night and one to request dances to be taught.
We WANT you to request dances!! The programmers can't read your mind, so let them know what you want. Yes, I know the dance names are difficult(!), but the names of the dances done each week are written on the board, so write them down or take a photo of the board. I have recently started including the names of dances taught the previous week in the newsletter, along with VIDEOS of them when available. This gives you the opportunity to review and practice at home. A website, folkdancemusings.com, has the history, dance notes, and videos of almost every dance I've ever heard of, so you can look them up at home if you want to review or learn dances
Link of the week: Trugnala Rumjana.
Other dance links
AIFD:(Contact & Board page)
2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 7:30 - 9:45 pm, Free:
Check the Scandi website for schedule details. |
Mondays, 7-9:45, HRC, backroom, free. No partner necessary, we rotate often. |
Wednesdays, 7:30-10pm, Hancock Rec Center. Enjoy this American dance form. All dances taught and called. Music provided by LOCO (Local On-Call Orchestra) - an open band, where anyone is welcome to come and play. Contact Dale Rempert at dale.rempert@gmail.com or visit austinbarndancers.org for more information. |
Upcoming "Other Dance" features
A list of non-AIFD events you may be interested in:
Wednesdays, June 13th & 27th: 2nd & 4th Wednesdays Scandi Jam!!
All instruments and dancers welcome. 7:30 - 9:45 pm, Hancock Recreation Center Back Room. Free.
Saturday, June 30th, 2:30pm: Memorial Service for David Houston.
A memorial service for David Houston will be held on Saturday, June 30, at 2:30 PM at Saint Matthews Episcopal Church, 8134 Mesa Drive, in Austin. You can read a nice tribute to David here.
Are you CPR/AED certified?
Safety First! The AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is located next to the attendant's desk at Hancock. Even if you are not certified to operate the device, just knowing where it is could save a life. If you are certified to operate the AED please let the Board know. The Board will not keep an official list, but would like to know who to turn to in the event of an emergency. Thanks! (more details here.)