This Friday's AIFD/HIFD Virtual Folk Dance, June 12, 7:30-9:30pm, will be hosted by AIFD (Zoom link).
Here is the link to the complete lineup of music and teachers.
A note about Zoom version:
Zoom now requires people to have version 5 or later of the client, so please consider upgrading in advance of the dance - launch the client, click upper right on your initials or picture and Check for Updates.
Get To Know
Your Board:
Scott Margo, Program Director.
Many of you may know me from Friday nights, but I thought I’d provide a little background information about myself.
My first time folk dancing was at AIFD sometime around the end of 1999, which was soon after I met my wife Daisy at UT. She had been going to AIFD for a short while, and she wanted to see how I would like it. It takes me a lot longer to learn dances than it does for her, but I enjoy the challenge. Besides getting to listen to some great music and attempting to do the corresponding dances, what I really enjoy is visiting with the other dancers. I feel that AIFD has some of the best people you could hope to be around. In fact, I probably enjoy the social aspect of dancing more than the dancing itself even though I’m fairly introverted.
Daisy and I lived overseas for over 16 years, and we only moved back to Austin in 2017. We now have two teenage children that you may have seen around. We could have chosen to live anywhere in the US, but we chose Austin in large part because of the dancing organizations like AIFD that have such strong roots here. We try to make international folk dancing and contra dancing part of our weekly schedule whenever possible. We’ve also been fortunate to be able to attend the last two Texas Camps, and thoroughly enjoyed them. The more people I get to know and to visit with, the more I enjoy the dance experience. So please feel free to come up and say hi if you see me.
Scott Margo.
City of Austin Update:
"The Mayor of Austin deems it is in the public interest to issue this Order, effective as of 11:59 p.m. on May 30, 2020, and continuing until 11:59 p.m. on June 15, 2020.”
Austin is slowly allowing businesses and facilities to open, trying to balance the risk of infections with the benefits of "returning to normal". Needless to say, it could be a long time before folk dancing as we know it returns to Hancock Rec Center. And even then it will depend on what is allowed combined with what folk dancers feel safe with. In the meantime, we hope everyone is enjoying the online activities.
Online Dance Activities Compiled by Denise Fynmore.
These are some of the online dancing events, but not all. Please check our Facebook page frequently.
Also, Dale Adamson maintains a comprehensive Events Calendar of online dance events. In an effort to streamline the newsletter, events on this calendar will not be duplicated in the newsletter.
Friday Night Folk Dance co-hosted by Houston and Austin International Folk Dancers, 7:30-9:30pm. Link and complete lineup.
Yves Moreau – has dance videos of his teaching of FIVE dances. These are available on his Facebook page anytime.
Dimitar Petrov teaches a workshop with several Bulgarian dances. It is on YOUTUBE.COM, also with a link from the AIFD Facebook page. Available on YOUTUBE anytime.
The San Antonio Folk Dancers have Tuesday night dances at 7:00 pm using Zoom. Use this link every Tuesday. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 430 250 629, Password: 95942.
Rebekah Valencia is hosting Monday evening ZOOM folk dancing in your living room from Oklahoma. Check the Oklahoma City Folk Dancers Facebook page for time ad ZOOM link.
CDSS (Country Dance and Song Society) has compiled a great list of online events for the Contra and English Country Dancers. See their website at
Austin Balkan Singers in quarantine continues to meet on Zoom, every Wednesday night at 7 PM for an hour or so. If you are missing your 5/8, 7/8, 9/8, or even 11/8 dose you are welcome to join us – zoom singing has the advantage is that you can “sing along” while muted if you want to learn in private. Also we are being joined by folks from far away who we have missed. Send e-mail to if you want to zoom-sing along with us.
If you have any suggestions or comments about upcoming online events, please email