AIFD Newsletter
July 7, 2012
This week at dancing

Misi John_John
This week Misi Tsurikov will program, assisted by John Ramage.

This week: Party!!! double right arrow

7:30-10:45 pm,
$5 at the door 17 years or older (free if 16 or under)
Hancock Rec Center (HRC)
Be the Tipping Point

Learn the names of two new dancers.

Read more on how to "Be the Tipping Point"

This Week:
Red, White, and Blueberries
An ice cream social
AIFD style

Come enjoy a fun evening of Americana this coming Saturday. We'll have a great program, fun teaching, and, yes, ice cream. Please arrive at 7:15 to help put up decorations. Also, bring your favorite toppings, like blueberries. Oh yeah, AIFD will also provide watermelon and a non-dairy ice cream alternative.
Interested in performing?
DAC performance, July 26th
Other dance links and events
See our complete list
Pictures from AIFD's 50th Anniversary Celebration
Texas International Folk Dancers
Village International Dancing1st & 3rd Friday, HRC
Austin Scandinavian Dancing Each Wed and 2nd Fri, HRC
5th Friday Multicultural Dance at HRC.
Csardas Hungarian Dancers
Contradance and English Country Dancing
Austin Friends of Traditional Music

This week's "other dance" feature:
Texas International Folk Dancers
Texas International Folk Dancers (TIFD) is an umbrella organization for several folk dance groups in and around Texas. Throughout the year TIFD does a lot of "behind the scenes" work to support and promote folk dancing. Then, every year over Thanksgiving TIFD hosts "Texas Camp", one of the biggest folk dance camps in the southwest. This week TIFD announced this year's Texas Camp teacher: Yulian Yordanov - who will teach Bulgarian and other Balkan dances. To learn more about TIFD, including how to become a member, see their website.
Anacreontic Song

To Anacreon, in Heav'n, where he sat in full glee,
A few sons of harmony sent a petition,
That he their inspirer and patron would be;
When this answer arrived from the jolly old Grecian --
Voice, fiddle and flute,
No longer be mute.
I'll lend ye my name, and inspire ye to boot...
And, besides, I'll instruct ye, like me, to entwine,
The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine.

The news through Olympus immediately flew;
Where Old Thunder pretended to give himself airs --
If these mortals are suffer'd their scheme to pursue,
There's devil a goddess will stay above stairs.
Hark! already they cry,
In transports of joy.
A fig for Parnassus! to Rowley's we'll fly;
And there, my good fellows, we'll learn to entwine,
The myrtle of Venus with Bacchus's vine. (.. more ..)
a drinking song popular in America and England in the early 1800s, the tune for which was adapted for the "Star Spangled Banner".

Link of the week: How (and where) to do the Charleston
(Thanks to Iola for the suggestion)
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