
AIFD Newsletter
July 31, 2020
zoomThis Friday's AIFD/HIFD Virtual Folk Dance, July 31, 7:30-9:30pm, will be hosted by HIFD (Zoom link).

You can also find a Zoom link, as well as a complete lineup of music and teachers, on the HIFD website prior to the event. If you have any dance requests, please submit them to prior to noon on Thursday, July 30.

By Dena Houston

As a very longtime dancer at AIFD (55 years), I want to extend a personal, heartfelt thank you to everyone involved in putting on the Friday night Zoom Folk Dance events hosted by AIFD in Austin and by HIFD in Houston. These are very trying times for folk dancing and, because of their efforts, time and commitment, there is a very good chance that folk dancing will be as strong as ever when we all get back together.

I know some of you may not have cameras on your computers and some of you are hesitant about being seen dancing in your living rooms. I encourage you to turn on your video so all of us can see our folk dance friends. It will help us be more connected during the event. I also encourage you to use the chat feature on Zoom. I have been having wonderful private chats with some of my dear friends, both those with whom I have visited at Hancock on Friday nights and those who now live far away.

Please mark your calendars for every Friday night at 7:30 to folk dance in a fun, safe way and keep the tradition alive. This coming Friday, July 31, will be hosted by HIFD. Here’s a shout out to our AIFD and HIFD folk dance program leaders and those who are involved in the implementation of these events.

Thank you!

Bill and Madeline Brock
Lisa Horn Dielman
Franklin Houston
Scott Margo
Kathleen McDonagh
Holly Plotner
Misi Tsurikov
Don Weeda
Donna Bing
John Bloom
Joan Furstenberg
Sue Griffin
Michelle Lynskey

Four Balkan Dancers

Link of the week:
Quick-sort with Hungarian (Küküllőmenti legényes) folk dance
(For those programming geeks confused about how this sorting algorithm works).

Something to sayHave something you'd like to see in the AIFD newsletter? Do you have an upcoming event you'd like to announce, a poem you'd like to share, a dance experience you think other dancers would enjoy? Feel free to submit it to the AIFD newsletter and we'll make it fit.

To be added to the newsletter distribution, please email or click here.
Would you like to be Zoom Monitor for AIFD?
A message from Scott Margo, Program Director:

Scott Margo Zoom monitors help make Zoom dance events run smoother as well as take the load off of dance instructors. Austin is looking for monitors for Friday dance events on 9/4, 9/18, 10/2, 10/16, and 10/30.

The total time commitment is just over two hours.

Zoom monitorFor a complete list of duties, sign up link, contact information, and loads of other good stuff, check out the Google doc that Scott has prepared.

Want to sign up now? Here's the link.


Online Dance Activities
Compiled by Denise Fynmore.

These are some of the online dancing events, but not all. Please check our Facebook page frequently.

Also, Dale Adamson maintains a comprehensive Events Calendar of online dance events. In an effort to streamline the newsletter, events on this calendar will not be duplicated in the newsletter.

Friday Night Folk Dance co-hosted by Houston and Austin International Folk Dancers, 7:30-9:30pm. For details about this week's Zoom event, please scroll to the top left of this newsletter.

Yves Moreau – has dance videos of his teaching of FIVE dances. These are available on his Facebook page anytime.

San Antonio Zoom dancing is Tuesdays 7-9 pm ("doors" open at 6:45 pm). The link is Everyone is welcome. Dance requests may be sent to, preferably by Sunday, and we will honor them as much as we can. If you would like to get on our regular or Zoom mailing list, please send a message to the same address.

Dimitar Petrov teaches a workshop with several Bulgarian dances. It is on YOUTUBE.COM, also with a link from the AIFD Facebook page. Available on YOUTUBE anytime.

Rebekah Valencia is hosting Monday evening ZOOM folk dancing in your living room from Oklahoma. Check the Oklahoma City Folk Dancers Facebook page for time ad ZOOM link.

CDSS (Country Dance and Song Society) has compiled a great list of online events for the Contra and English Country Dancers. See their website at community covid19 online-events.

Austin Balkan Singers in quarantine continues to meet on Zoom, every Wednesday night at 7 PM for an hour or so. If you are missing your 5/8, 7/8, 9/8, or even 11/8 dose you are welcome to join us – zoom singing has the advantage that you can "sing along" while muted if you want to learn in private. Also we are being joined by folks from far away who we have missed. Send e-mail to if you want to zoom-sing along with us.

If you have any suggestions or comments about upcoming online events, please email
If you would like to be removed from our newsletter distribution, please notify us at or click here.