Since Austin has recently moved to Stage 4 (and may soon be moving up to Stage 5), the AIFD Board decided to delay the return to dancing at Hancock Recreation Center that had been planned for January 7th. We will continue to offer Zoom dancing until we resume dancing at Hancock. - AIFD board.
This Friday's AIFD/HIFD Virtual Folk Dance, January 7, 7:30-9:30pm, will be hosted by AIFD.
Zoom link Meeting ID: 847 8053 8417 Password: 393160 Update to the latest version of Zoom!
Link to dance program and teachers.
If you have any comments on our virtual dances or dance requests, we would love to hear from you! Please email us at
Would you like to request a dance but can't remember the name? Check out the list of dances in AIFD's music library. This list is maintained by Franklin Houston. If you run into any issues with the list, you can email Franklin at
Some of this week's Zoom teachers:
Holly Plotner:
It's a new year and I'm teaching all new dances from the recent Texa-Kolo. You're going to love the 4 figure Romanian dance from Sonia & Cristian, Băuta de pe Vișina.
Denise Fynmore and Bill Freiboth:
Bill and I will start the evening with easy and familiar old favorites. You can follow along and get warmed up for the rest of the evening!
Some upcoming events of interest. |
Fri-Sun, January 28-30, 2022, Stockton Folk Dance Camp, Winter weekend.. Online via Zoom. Registration is now open. Complete details at