
AIFD Newsletter
January 5, 2013
This week at dancing

Misi Programming: Misi Tsurikov will DJ a fun evening of dancing.

Mike ReveszTeaching: Let's take a stroll down memory lane and remember way back to last year (that is to say, a week ago Saturday), when we danced the night away with some instant classics from Texas Camp 2012, including Shirto, Snoshti Vecher Rade, Ripni Kalinke and Ravno Oro. Well, be there this Saturday as we review these golden Holly not-so-oldies! At 7:30 P.M., Mike Revesz will be on hand to review Shirto and Snoshti Vecher Rade while Misi Tsurikov will review Ripni Kalinke. For our intermediate teaching, Holly Plotner will review Ravno Oro.

Saturday, January 5
7:30-10:45 pm
$5 at the door 17 & older. 16 & under free.
Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Hancock Rec Center (HRC)

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Be the Tipping Point

Don't be shy about wearing a name tag.

Read more on how to "Be the Tipping Point"

A Night in Old Vienna.
A complete success!!!

Night in Old Vienna Thanks to everyone who helped make "A Night in Old Vienna New Year's Ball" a success. Many people helped out. The board wanted to recognize a few particular contributions:
Misi Tsurikov - for the amazing lighting (including planning for an extra hour for setup) and sound.
Michel Breger - who conceived and promoted the original idea, and helped to make it a magical event.
All the people and groups that played, contributed food, helped with setup and decorations, and assisted with teardown.

Misi has posted an album of pictures he and Michel took at the event. If you have more you would like Misi to add, please forward them to him at
Other dance links
See our complete list
Pictures from AIFD's 50th Anniversary Celebration
Pictures from Kabile, Nov 3, 2012.
Pictures from Chuck's 80th Birthday Celebration
"I can't dance" - tips to get you dancing.
Archive of dance notes - compiled by Franklin Houston.
Newsletter archive - since May 19, 2012.
Texas International Folk Dancers
Village International Dancing1st & 3rd Friday, HRC
Austin Scandinavian Dancing Each Wed and 2nd Fri, HRC
Multicultural Dance Next event, Monday, Jan 14, 2013
Csardas Hungarian Dancers
Contradance and English Country Dancing (TAADA)
Austin Friends of Traditional Music

This week's "other dance" feature:

Multi Culti
Multi Culti Night, 1/14
Enjoy a fun evening of Hungarian, Scandi, swing, and other dances on Monday, January 14th, at HRC. Check out for full details.

If you play folk dance music and are not on our list of Musicians/Musical groups, please send your information to
Get ready for SAFDF, 2013

San Antonio Folk Dance Festival Carrying on an annual tradition that has been around for 55 years, the organizers of the San Antonio Folk Dance Festival (SAFDF) are happy to announce their 2013 event. Come celebrate with us for a WONDERFUL and SPECIAL WEEKEND of international folk dancing and culture.

This year's festival falls on Friday - Sunday, March 15 - 17 at the International Folk Culture Center (IFCC), part of Our Lady of the Lake University (OLLU) in San Antonio.

This year's festival will feature teachers of Romanian, Mexican, and English Country dances, on top of the renowned parties and cultural sessions.

To learn more about and register for this terrific event, check out the SAFDF website.

In support of SAFDF, AIFD will not meet at Hancock Recreation Center on Saturday, March 16.

Link of the week:
For a taste of some of the great teaching sessions at SAFDF, check out SADILO MOME being taught at last year's festival.
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