
AIFD Newsletter
December 24, 2021
Merry Christmas!!!

No Zoom event this week.
AIFD wishes you a Happy Holiday.

Some upcoming events of interest.
Stockton Folk Dance CampFri-Sun, January 28-30, 2022, Stockton Folk Dance Camp, Winter weekend.. Online via Zoom. Registration is now open. Complete details at


Stage 3
Austin at Stage 3
(as of Tuesday, October 12)

Unvaccinated or partially vaccinated: MASKS encouraged at all times.
MASKS encouraged for indoor activities and travel.
AIFD Returning to HRC in January!!!

Hancock Rec CenterOn December 10th Austin Parks and Rec Department announced that HRC will return to ‘normal’ programming on Jan 3rd, and AIFD will dance at Hancock Recreation Center in person beginning Jan 7th, COVID permitting of course. Right now Austin is at Stage 3, but if it changes to 4 or 5, things could change.

AIFD Board will be putting together all the pieces to make it work. Keep reading our newsletter and web site for the latest.

We’ll be required to wear a face mask while in the building, at all times. We’ll have a temperature check and COVID screening questions to answer. No check for vaccination or recent negative COVID test.

- Craig Roberts AIFD President.

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Link of the week:
A Balkan Dance Medley!
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