
AIFD Newsletter
August 25, 2012
This week at dancing

Holly Misi
Programming: Holly Plotner, who is just back from a fabulous week at Balkan Camp, has prepared a fun evening of dancing. She'll be assisted by Misi Tsurikov.

Mike Revesz Teaching: School days, school days . . . . With the return of school just around the corner, this Saturday is the perfect opportunity to come, relax, and enjoy all the wonderful dances that have been taught recently. Mike Revesz will be on hand to lead walk-throughs at the beginning of the evening; so, join us at 7:30. We promise there'll be no pop quizzes, homework or detention -- just great music, fun dances and good friends!

Craving some intermediate teaching? Not to worry -- we've got more great dances lined up for September, so stay tuned!

7:30-10:45 pm,
$5 at the door 17 years or older (free if 16 or under)
Hancock Rec Center (HRC)

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Be the Tipping Point

Thank the programmer.

Read more on how to "Be the Tipping Point"

Hurray programmers!!!
Saturday night folk dancing would not be what it is without the programmer and his or her assistant. The tunes selected by the programmer sets the tone throughout the evening. He or she will select the dances to queue up using several sources, including: requested dances; dances taught the prior week; dances done in past few weeks; and a general sense of what is going to inspire the most people to get up and dance. The assistant ensures the dances are written on the white board so everyone knows what dances are coming up. Also, being an assistant is a great way to learn how to be a programmer. VladEvery programmer adds their own flavor to the evening. But they all work hard to make the night they program as successful and enjoyable as possible for the crowd that shows up. If you would like to learn more about programming or assisting, or you would like to try your hand at it, email Vlad Codrea, AIFD's program director.
Other dance links and events
See our complete list
Pictures from AIFD's 50th Anniversary Celebration
Texas International Folk Dancers
Village International Dancing1st & 3rd Friday, HRC
Austin Scandinavian Dancing Each Wed and 2nd Fri, HRC
5th Friday Multicultural Dance August 31st at HRC.
Csardas Hungarian Dancers
Contradance and English Country Dancing (TAADA)
Austin Friends of Traditional Music

This week's "other dance" feature:
TAADATAADA - Traditional Austin Area Dance Association - August 24th: Friday English Country Dance 7:30 - 9:45 pm. Back room of Hancock Recreation Center. All dances taught and called. Free admission. Contact: Ann McCracken.
Do you play folk dance music and are not on our list of Musicians/Musical groups, please send your information to
AIFD newsletter archive

AIFD newsletter list Since updating the newsletter format on May 19th of this year, newsletters have also been stored online. Check out past teachers, programmers, links of the week, and other content by going to the link.

Do you have ideas for the newsletter? Please don't hesitate to email them to the newsletter editor

Link of the week: Zydeco - one of my favorite couples dance. Et toi!!
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