AIFD Newsletter
August 23, 2014
This week at dancing
To celebrate the popular date of August 23 we will have a 2-3 program featuring 2 and 3 figure dances. There will also be some chains of 2 or 3 related dances. Wear your favorite 2 (or 3) shoes and dance the night away! Holly Plotner will DJ this lively evening, assisted by Lila Luce.
Teaching: Franklin Houston will kick off the evening promptly at 7:30 with a fun newcomers' session. Franklin will take us back to Slavonia for more jiggling with the "mixed pickles" step. He'll review the dances he taught recently and add one or two more so that we'll have lots of opportunities for doing this fun step. Later, Kathleen McDonagh will review Gavotte D'Honneur, the French line dance she introduced last week.
Saturday, August 23rd 7:30-10:45 pm $5 at the door 17 & older. 16 & under free. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Hancock Rec Center (HRC)
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September 6 - Open House!!
New to folk dancing? Know someone who might be interested in folk dancing? Looking for extra-fun AIFD evening? Then don't miss AIFD's annual open house on Saturday, September 6! The open house features several demo performances from talented local dance groups as well as teaching and walkthroughs for those new to dancing. And it's all FREE!! So bring a friend, neighbor, family member, colleague, or whoever -- and join us on the dance floor!
September 13 - Greek Night with Kolorash.
Enjoy a lively evening of mostly (but not all) Greek dances with live music by Kolorash. Lisa Schneider (violin) and Eric Vormelker (bass, guitar, percussions) are the foundation of this lively folk dance band. The are often joined by other musical talents.
November 1 - El Dia de Los Muertos.
As a variation this year on the traditional Halloween party, your Board is planning a celebration of El Dia de Los Muertos on November 1. This will include a remembrance of former participants at AIFD who have passed away. We invite you to submit comments by September 15 on any of the persons listed on the website (or on a person whose name we have missed) to a board member by email or in person. Full details here.
November 8 - Bulgarika!! The maestros of traditional Bulgarian Music, Bulgarika, return to Austin for another great concert. Keep an eye out for more details.