AIFD Newsletter
August 16, 2014
This week at dancing
John DJs, Michel assists.
Enjoy a great evening of folk dancing DJ'd by John Scales. John will be assisted by Michel Breger.
Teaching: Misi Tsurikov will lead newcomers' session
beginning at 7:30 p.m. Then -- by your request -- Kathleen McDonagh will
teach Gavotte D'Honneur, a French line dance.
Saturday, August 16th 7:30-10:45 pm $5 at the door 17 & older. 16 & under free. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Hancock Rec Center (HRC)
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September 13 - Greek Night with Kolorash.
Enjoy a lively evening of mostly (but not all) Greek dances with live music by Kolorash. Lisa Schneider (violin) and Eric Vormelker (bass, guitar, percussions) are the foundation of this lively folk dance band. The are often joined by other musical talents.
November 1 - El Dia de Los Muertos.
As a variation this year on the traditional Halloween party, your Board is planning a celebration of El Dia de Los Muertos on November 1. This will include a remembrance of former participants at AIFD who have passed away. We invite you to submit comments by September 15 on any of the persons listed on the website (or on a person whose name we have missed) to a board member by email or in person. Full details here.
November 8 - Bulgarika!! The maestros of traditional Bulgarian Music, Bulgarika, return to Austin for another great concert. Keep an eye out for more details.
Other dance links
See our complete list
AIFD upcoming events. Be a folk dance ambassador.
World's words - updated by Misi.
Pictures from various AIFD events.
Past AIFD boards - a work in progress.
"I can't dance" - tips to get you dancing.
Archive of dance notes - compiled by Franklin Houston.
Newsletter archive - since May 19, 2012.
Texas International Folk Dancers
Village International Dancing1st & 3rd Friday, HRC
Austin Scandinavian Dancing Each Wed, HRC
Csardas Hungarian Dancers
Contradance and English Country Dancing (TAADA)
Austin Friends of Traditional Music
Want to play music at folk dancing? Check out AIFD's live music compensation policy.
Wednesdays, August 13 and 20, 7pm, Hambo Workshop. Austin Scandinavian Dancing will offer a 2-day Hambo Workshop at Hancock Recreation Center in the back room. We will teach from 7:00 - 7:30 pm, to allow our Austin Barndance neighbors from the front room to join us, with additional hambo practice until 8:00 pm. See the group's calendar for more details.
August 29-September 1, Balkanalia!!! If you are going to be near Portland around Labor Day (or need a reason to go travel there), consider attending the mini-Balkan music and dance camp Balkanalia. GREAT instrumental classes, singing classes and DANCE. All parties are all live music!!! To the best bands in the world!!! And out of Towners fear not- the camp is 1/2 hour from Portland Intl Airport- and we will find you a free camper shuttle from there! Come once and you will have the B! raves!!! See their website for registration and details. - Joan Bennett.
Link of the week:Gavotte D'Honneur.