This Friday, April 8, 7:30-9:30, AIFD is back for in person dancing at HRC. $5 at the door (18 and up).
Don’t miss the party at dancing this week to help celebrate Bob Leibman's 80th birthday and honor his contributions to folk dancing for more than 50 years. Bob is a recognized authority on Balkan dance and culture, particularly from North Macedonia and East Serbia, and specializes in presenting dances unchanged from the villages. We have been extremely fortunate to have a person like Bob in our community! |
John Scales is the DJ this week. John will be assited by Scott Margo.
Teaching this week will include some of Bob's favorite dances, as well as walk-throughs of dances from SAFDF that Misi presented last week. |
AIFD Board Elections!!!
2022-3 AIFD Board Elections are scheduled for Friday, May 13. Full details here.
Have something you'd like to see in the AIFD newsletter? Do you have an upcoming event you'd like to announce, a poem you'd like to share, a dance experience you think other dancers would enjoy? Feel free to submit it to the AIFD newsletter and we'll make it fit.