AIFD Board of Directors Elections!!!Elections for AIFD board members are scheduled for May 8, and they will be done by email to those with current AIFD memberships.
These nominees have agreed to run for the following positions:
President: Craig Roberts
Vice-President: Bill Brock
Secretary: Daisy Lai
Treasurer: Marcia Toprac
Program Director: Scott Margo
Teaching Director: Lisa Dielman
Here are the job descriptions and requirements for these positions. If anyone else is interested in running for these positions, please email The deadline for additional nominees is May 5.
From the AIFD Board President: The City of Austin has extended the "Stay Home" orders until May 8, as well as the requirement to wear face coverings when not at home.
From Denise: Again, I hope that you are all safe and well, and that you and your loved ones have not been touched by COVID-19. The Board is pressing on with plans for elections. Before the shutdown, we had announced that we would be looking for nominees to run for the board, and we received a good response. However, it’s not to late to run if you are interested (see above).
Remembering Dick Crum.
- Dena Houston.
Dick Crum was one of the most popular pioneers in the recreational folk dance movement in the United States. He was active from 1947 until his death in 2005. Dick was famous for using humorous expressions in his teaching, such as “mixed pickles” and “your other left foot”. Referred to as “Crumisms”, these sayings are still used by folk dance teachers today. The dances listed in this poster are many of the ones he taught. Notice how many we do at AIFD. THANK YOU, DICK!
Online Dance Activities Compiled by Denise Fynmore.
These are some of the online dancing events, but not all. Please check our Facebook page frequently:
Austin and Houston International Folk Dance groups will hold ZOOM dancing on alternating Friday nights!! Watch the AIFD and HIFD Facebook pages for information and links.
Yves Moreau – has dance videos of his teaching of FIVE dances. These are available on his Facebook page anytime.
Dimitar Petrov teaches a workshop with several Bulgarian dances. It is on YOUTUBE.COM, also with a link from the AIFD Facebook page. Available on YOUTUBE anytime.
Denes Marton, San Antonio Folk Dancers, has Tuesday night dances at 7:00 pm, using Zoom. Use this link every Tuesday. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 430 250 629, Password: 95942.
Ira Weisburd is teaching Balkan Dance on Saturdays, Israeli Dance on Mondays, and Line Dance on Tuesdays!! His classes are on Facebook; check his Facebook pagefor details and times.
Rebekah Valencia is hosting Monday evening ZOOM folk dancing in your living room from Oklahoma. Check the Oklahoma City Folk Dancers Facebook page for time ad ZOOM link.
If you have any suggestions or comments about upcoming online events, please email Denise at