
AIFD Newsletter
April 10, 2020
From the AIFD Board President:

ATX Closer InfoUpdate from the City of Austin: PARD notified groups that utilize city recreational facilities operations are now suspended until April 30th. We will provide updates as they become available.

Denise FynmoreFrom Denise: We hope you are all well and holding up during this stressful time! Even though you may be stuck at home, that doesn’t mean you can’t dance! Check out our Facebook page where you can see music, dancing, and dance classes you can take in your living room. There is even a cool video of a man dancing with himself in a full length mirror and it’s incredible.

Also, please check out Shirley Johnson's Zoom concert on Friday, 4/10, 7:30-8:30 central time. Please stay safe, stay home, stay healthy!

In these difficult times, best wishes from AIFD.

Easter Chick

Link of the week:
Quarantine Dance Off.

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Community contributions

Shirley Johnson
Upcoming Zoom events:
A Concert In Your Own Home.

On Friday, April 10th, 7:30-8:30, Shirley Johnson will be providing live folk dance music on Zoom, so you can dance in your living room and see others dance in theirs. For full details, including registration (first name, last name, email), click on this link. Note: we recommend you go to this link prior to the concert so you'll have time to log in.

Are you thinking of doing a live event during the quarantine? AIFD can help get the word out .

Folk dancing 1965


by Dena Houston

As always, you can find more interesting, including postings by folk dance instructors,on AIFD's Facebook Group page and Facebook Page.
What's the difference?

Can You Help?
Lots of people in the community are suddenly in need of help. AIFD has setup a spreadsheet of opportunities to provide direct or indirect financial support. Please feel free to check it out.

Do you know of a fundraising effort that should be added to this list, please click here.


If you would like to be removed from our newsletter distribution, please notify us at or click here.